Saturday, October 30, 2010

Who Cares?

Okay, so this week I am going to talk about the controversial topic of Don't Ask, Don't Tell

This law basically allows the military to kick out any people in the military that is found out to be gay, bisexual, or lesbian.

So just to be clear, gay people are allowed into the military only if they are silent and don't reveal there sexuality to anyone. If they do, they are immediately discharged.

This law plainly makes no sense to me.

A soldier is an honorable person who risks his/her own life in order to protect our way of life back home in America. Why is it that as soon as a person admits the gender they love, something as simple as that, they are no longer respected enough to be a soldier and protect America?

To me, that just says, "you are not worthy to fight for your country," As if being gay effects your fighting ability.

It doesn't make any sense to discharge thousands of people just the military has a bias. They are discharging valuable soldiers because of who they love. In my opinion, WHO CARES? Instead of forcing silence upon gay soldiers, the military needs to allow them to be out and confident and not constantly on eggshells that something they say will get them fired.

As the cartoon shows above, they fought just as hard and honorably, but because of one small thing they are now not respected as much. This truly just points out the stupidity of this law.


  1. Great post. I love the colors, they really help represent the issue.

  2. I love that you talk about current political issues to make people more aware and write it in fun, easy to understand ways. Also, I like that you include pictures to make your points more effectively :)
